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PC žaidimų kodai - Medieval II: Total War

PC žaidimų kodai - Medieval II: Total War
Spauskite [~] , kad atidarytumėte konsolę ir įrašykite vieną iš šių kodų:
toggle_fow Toggles on or off the fog of war. You can see the whole world map when inputted.
auto_win "attacker/defender" When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Automatically wins.
add_money "amount" Gives you the specific amount of gold.
process_cq "settlement name" Anything in the city's building queue will be built automatically.
give_trait this "trait" "level number" Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.
add_population "settlement name" "amount" Allows you to give a city more population automatically.
move_character z x,y z=name of settlement or unit without title (except Captain). x,y=coords
show_cursorstat Shows coordinates under mousecursor in format x,y
character_reset Allows a character to move again. Does not always work


Žiūrėta: 4546   |   Balsų: 2   |   Vidurkis:   5
Įvertink: 12345
