PC žaidimų kodai - The Godfather 2
PC žaidimų kodai - The Godfather 2
PC žaidimų kodai - The Godfather 2 prašymas:
Visai neseniai per televiziją matėme filmo krikštatėvis (The Godfather) trilogiją, taigi visai nenuostabu, kad didelė dalis žmonių prisėdo ir prie žaidimo, kurto pagal šį filmą. Bet kas nemėgsta pasilengvinti žaidimą įvairaisi kodais ir cytukais? Būtent čia į pagalbą ir ateina zaidimukodai.lt svetainė ir kategorija PC žaidimų kodai, kur rasite cheat'us ir šiam žaidimui. Taigi Sėkmės cheateriai!
PC žaidimų kodai - The Godfather 2 kodai:
Paspauskite "Escape", kad sustabdytumėt žaidimą. Tada veskite sekančius kodus:
corleone - Full health
stracci - Maximum ammunition
cuneo - $5,000
tattaglia - All movies
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
Enforcer (Bronze) : Complete 10 execution styles.
Contract Killer (Bronze) : Eliminate 5 made men with the appropriate kill condition.
Three Crime Rings (Bronze) : Control three crime rings.
Five Crime Rings (Bronze) : Control five crime rings.
Lockpicker (Bronze) : Crack five safes.
MobFace (Bronze) : Create a mobster using MobFace.
Let Me Upgrade You (Bronze) : Upgrade one of your made men's skills or weapons.
Torch The Joint (Bronze) : Send your men to bomb a venue from the Don's View.
Pulling The Strings (Bronze) : Send your men to attack a venue from the Don's View.
Gun Smuggler (Bronze) : Find a level 2 firearm upgrade.
Modified Firepower (Bronze) : Find a level 3 firearm upgrade.
Bank Job (Bronze) : Heist your first bank.
100 Whacked (Bronze) : Kill 100 mobsters.
250 Iced (Bronze) : Kill 250 mobsters.
25 Massacred (Bronze) : Kill 25 mobsters.
BlackHand Brutality (Bronze) : Kill 25 mobsters only using BlackHand attacks.
500 Empty Suits (Bronze) : Kill 500 Mobsters.
Full Of Lead (Bronze) : Kill 150 mobsters only using firearms.
Fortified Venue (Bronze) : Max out all guards at a venue.
Right Hand Man (Bronze) : Promote one of your made men to Capo.
Second In Command (Bronze) : Promote one of your men to Underboss.
Getting Made (Bronze) : Recruit your first soldier.
Shakedown (Silver) : Control all extortable businesses.
It's Not Personal (Silver) : Eliminate a rival family by successfully bombing their compound
Bag Man (Silver) : Heist each bank once.
750 Sleeping With The Fishes (Silver): Kill 750 mobsters.
This Thing Of Ours (Silver) : Recruit a full family tree.
First Crime Ring (Silver) : Control one crime ring.
Accept This As A Gift (Silver) : Earn one of each favor.
Welcome To The Gun Show (Silver) : Collect all level 2 and level 3 firearm upgrades.
Executions In Style (Gold) : Complete all execution styles.
Organized Crime (Gold) : Control all crime rings.
Safecracker (Gold) : Crack all safes.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) : Act like a mobster, think like a Don.
Additionally, there are eight secret trophies:
Vendetta (Bronze) : Eliminate three rival families.
Ambush (Bronze) : Eliminate four rival families.
Double Crossed (Bronze) : Eliminate two rival families.
Paying Tribute (Bronze) : Unlock all safehouses.
The Counselor (Bronze) : Accept Tom Hagen as your Consigliere.
CIA? DOA (Bronze) : Kill Henry Mitchell.
Last Famlily Standing (Bronze): Eliminate all five rival families.
It's Only Business (Bronze) : Eliminate Hyman Roth.
Ginklų slėptuvės:
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding weapon:
Level 1 - Tommy Gun: Already available.
Level 2 - MP38: Granados Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 3 - Modified AK-47: Battaglia Masonry, Cuba. When you enter a certain room, turn left to find a ladder leading underground. Follow the tunnel.
Level 1 - .357 Magnum: Already available.
Level 2 - .44 Magnum Force: When attacking Carmine Rosato's Compound in New York, go upstairs in the tiny foyer before approaching Carmine. The Magnum is clearly visible on a desk.
Level 3 - .501 Magnum Enforcer: Battaglia Quarry Chop Shop, Cuba. Look at the map to find the lighthouse, and go there.
Level 1 - Pistol: Already available.
Level 2 - Silenced Pistol: Ryan Roth mission, Florida. Found during the mission where he sends you to rescue one of his soldiers.
Level 3 - Delta M1911 silenced : Mangano's Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 1 - Sniper Rifle: Already available.
Level 2 - Spitzer Centerfire: Emilio's packing company, Florida. It is located on the rooftop; an engineer is required to cut the fence.
Level 3 - Vintovka SR-98: Almeida Compound, Cuba. On the second floor on a desk.
Level 1 - Shotgun: Already available.
Level 2 - Sawed-off: Corleone's Compound, New York. As soon as you leave the compound through the main gate, go straight forward, and turn left. There is a hedge that can be burned with an arsonist. The shotgun is behind there.
Level 3 - Schofield Semi-auto: Global Storage Chop Shop, Florida. On the right side of the island, inside the small warehouse.
Jeigu pasirinkę kategoriją PC žaidimų kodai radote vertingų cheatų ar patarimų, nepatingėkite ir pasidalinkite savo patirtimi su kitais kategorijos PC žaidimų kodai lankytojais. Taip pat mums svarbu, kad paliktumėte savo komentarą arba įvertinimą apie šiuos, kategorijos PC žaidimų kodai, kodus. Tad netingėkite ir rašykite, nes tik jūsų dėka portalas www.zaidimukodai.lt plečiasi ir gyvuoja.
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Mieli, kategorijos PC žaidimų kodai lankytojai bei žaidėjai, visi nepadorūs, beprasmiai, pasikartojantys ar flood'inantys komentarai bus trinami. Stenkitės nevartoti necenzūrinių žodžių- tai nepuošia nei šio tinklapio, nei jūsų įvaizdžio. Būkite sąmoningi ir supraskite, kad žaidimai skirti žaisti, o ne ieškoti pažinčių, keiktis ar blevyzgoti. Na o komentarai skirti pasidalinti savo patirtimi ir nuomone apie kodus iš kategorijos PC žaidimų kodai.
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